Installing and Configuring FreeBSD 12.2 Stable on Parallels 16

I won’t be able to use parallel tools – so no cutting and pasting between the native Mac desktop and the virtual machine, and no Juniper Pulse Client is available I can see, so I wouldn’t be able to install FreeBSD on a laptop and use it for work. However, it is a fascinating operating system to work with and offers a very responsive GNOME desktop.

So I am downloading my FreeBSD AMD64 12 Stable ISO

So first gotcha – won’t boot from the ISO:

I have to to say that is a hilarious first gotcha. So this is a setting to make in Parallels under the boot options. It perhaps default to BIOS rather UEFI, the FreeBSD install iso must be EFI?

vm.bios.efi = 1

Boot from the EFI DVD/CDROM:

FreeBSD is pretty unique these days. It’s retro. You will end up compiling software and the kernel. You will get bogged down in places you didn’t know existed.

There is a English macbook keyboard we can select – so thats good!

We could have booted using a nework iso which would have given us a very up-to-date /usr/ports and /usr/src directory. It’s from these that we compile our software.

FreeBSD is at the heart of alot of appliances these days. It’s robust, fast and tunable with a very open license. It’s behind the Sophos Email Appliance and Juniper and Netapp appliances.

I’m just going to use the default Auto UFS GPT partition scheme.

KISS principle please

You can’t just have a go at FreeBSD. You actually do need to read the Handbook Am just saying. Which to be honest I haven’t done in a while.

I gave it more memory 1GB and more video memory – as its going to be busy for a while. Make sure it boots off the disk and not the live CD (common Parallels gotchas).

You can put binary packages on using pkg. And you can compile them in /usr/ports and install them. I will install two packages to get us aquainted.

# <strong>pkg install screen</strong>

To update these packages later:

<strong># pkg upgrade</strong>

To check for vulnerabilities in binary packages:

<strong># pkg audit -F</strong>

Straight away I can kick off an xterm – I use on macOS the X Windows Server (XQuartz).

<strong># ssh </strong> -X -Y
<strong># xterm &</strong>

The quickest way of getting a desktop on the default console is now to use xfce:

<strong>pkg install Xorg xfce</strong>
<strong>echo "exec startxfce4" >> ~/.xinitrc</strong>
<strong>pw groupmod video -m root</strong>

Actually on the FreeBSD 12.2 RELEASE I also had to change the designation of the video card from modesetting to “vesa”:

<strong>Xorg -config</strong>
<strong>cp /root/ /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
sed -i -e 's/modesetting/vesa/' /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf</strong>

To run that as a standard user – the user has to be in group video or wheel.

And for the better Gnome Environment, more work to be done, add to rc.conf:

sysrc gnome_enable="YES" moused_enable=YES \
dbus_enable="YES" hald_enable="YES" gdm_enable="YES"

Append to /etc/fstab

<strong>echo "proc /proc procfs rw 0 0</strong>" <strong>>> /etc/fstab</strong>

Install the binary pkg’s required

<strong>pkg install gnome-desktop gdm gnome3</strong> 

You might want to make sure the RAM assigned is 2GB perhaps and the Graphics card maybe 512MB RAM. I also have option on startup to “5” the Console to “Video”.

Up until now I have used just packages, and for what I’m doing, am happy with that. But this is FreeBSD so I’m going to make notes for using /usr/ports and /usr/src.

To update /usr/ports with portsnap

# portsnap fetch
# portssnap extract
# portssnap update

And now to update /usr/src using svn. I’m going to compile subversion from /usr/ports (we could have used pkg ).

# cd /usr/ports/security/ca_root_nss 
# make install clean
# cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion
# make install clean BATCH=yes

We could use subverson to bring in the whole thing:

# <strong>svn checkout /usr/src</strong>

But now and in the future we can update like so:

# cd /usr/src && make update SVN_UPDATE=yes

Lets install a kernel

<strong># cd /usr/src/sys/amd64/conf
# mkdir /root/kernels
# cp GENERIC /root/kernels/MYKERNEL
# ln -s /root/kernels/MYKERNEL</strong>

Edit MYKERNEL and edit the ident line for now.

<strong># cd /usr/src
# make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL
# make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL</strong>
<strong># shutdown -r now</strong>

On getting Juniper VPN to work I can use the underlying Macos connection when using Parallels – “Shared Network” . So technically this can be used as a desktop – no cut-and-paste between and no directory/file sharing with macOS.

The instructions for running FreeBSD on Parallels include to put the line


into /boot/loader.conf to reduce cpu utilization (and reboot).

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