Puppet and Augeas

Photo by Riccardo Farinazzo on Unsplash

augtool is a program that can be obtained via the augeas package or as part of puppet.

dnf install augeas OR dnf install puppet

It’s a tool to programmatically edit linux configuration files safely.

Here are some cheatsheet examples :

augtool print /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config
augtool ls /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config
augtool preview /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config
augtool set /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/PermitRootLogin yes

So for example, looking at the /etc/hosts file :

augtool print /files/etc/hosts | tail 
/files/etc/hosts/9/ipaddr = ""
/files/etc/hosts/9/canonical = "sonic"
/files/etc/hosts/9/alias = "sonic.fabio.org.uk"
/files/etc/hosts/10/ipaddr = ""
/files/etc/hosts/10/canonical = "foreman3"
/files/etc/hosts/10/alias[1] = "puppetmaster7"
/files/etc/hosts/10/alias[2] = "puppetmaster7.localdomain"

You could write and use an augeas script to add that last line:

#!/usr/bin/augtool -if
ins  /files/etc/hosts/*[last()+1] after /files/etc/hosts/*[last()]
set /files/etc/hosts/*[last()]/ipaddr
set /files/etc/hosts/*[last()]/canonical foreman3
set /files/etc/hosts/*[last()]/alias[1] puppetmaster7
set /files/etc/hosts/*[last()]/alias[2] puppetmaster7.localdomain

And an augtool script to drop a line on the end of rsyslog.conf:

#!/usr/bin/augtool -if
set '/files/etc/rsyslog.conf/entry[last()+1]/selector/facility' authpriv 
set '/files/etc/rsyslog.conf/entry[last()]/selector/level' *
set '/files/etc/rsyslog.conf/entry[last()]/action/protocol' @
set '/files/etc/rsyslog.conf/entry[last()]/action/hostname'

Achieving that using puppet here is the manifest:

augeas { "rsyslog":
  context => "/files/etc/rsyslog.conf",
  changes => [
    "set entry[last()+1]/selector/facility authpriv",
    "set entry[last()]/selector/level *",
    "set entry[last()]/action/protocol @",
    "set entry[last()]/action/hostname ''",
  onlyif => "match entry[*]/action/hostname[. =  '' ] size == 0" ,
  notify => Service["rsyslog"],
service { "rsyslog":
  require => Augeas["rsyslog"],
  enable  => true,
  ensure  => running,

You could also install bolt and run that on a remote host if you can ssh into them:

bolt apply rsyslog.pp --targets mgptmp -u user1 --password-prompt --sudo-password-prompt --run-as root
Please enter your password: 
Please enter your privilege escalation password: 
Starting: install puppet and gather facts on mgptmp
Finished: install puppet and gather facts with 0 failures in 3.81 sec
Starting: apply catalog on mgptmp
Started on mgptmp...
Finished on mgptmp:
  Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Augeas[rsyslog]/returns: executed successfully
  Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[rsyslog]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 event
  changed: 2, failed: 0, unchanged: 0 skipped: 0, noop: 0
Finished: apply catalog with 0 failures in 5.12 sec
Successful on 1 target: mgptmp
Ran on 1 target in 8.98 sec

Here is configuring chrony. We are putting 4 server lines in, and removing the pool line.

#get rid of all the pool* lines
augeas { 'nopool':
  context => "/files/etc/chrony.conf",
  changes => [
    "rm pool[*]",
  onlyif => "match pool[*]  size != 0",
  notify => Service["chronyd"],

# add 4 server lines
# touch creates the iburst node with no value
augeas { "chronyconf":
  context => "/files/etc/chrony.conf",
  changes => [
    "touch server",
    "set server[1] ntp1.herts.ac.uk",
    "touch server[1]/iburst",
    "set server[2] ntp2.herts.ac.uk",
    "touch server[2]/iburst",
    "set server[3] ntp3.herts.ac.uk",
    "touch server[3]/iburst",
    "set server[4] ntp4.herts.ac.uk",
    "touch server[4]/iburst",
  onlyif => "match server[*][. =  'ntp*herts.ac.uk' ] size < 4",
  show_diff => true,
  notify => Service["chronyd"],

# to restart on change
service { "chronyd":
  require => Augeas["chronyconf","nopool"],
  enable  => true,
  ensure  => running,

And we can apply it locally or using bolt:

puppet apply chrony.pp
Notice: Compiled catalog for vuh-lb-foreman03.herts.ac.uk in environment production in 0.02 seconds
Notice: Augeas[nopool](provider=augeas): 
--- /etc/chrony.conf    2024-07-16 20:43:48.934393433 +0100
+++ /etc/chrony.conf.augnew     2024-07-16 20:43:55.008444093 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 # Use public servers from the pool.ntp.org project.
 # Please consider joining the pool (https://www.pool.ntp.org/join.html).
-pool ntp.rocky iburst
 # Use NTP servers from DHCP.
 sourcedir /run/chrony-dhcp

Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Augeas[nopool]/returns: executed successfully
Notice: Augeas[chronyconf](provider=augeas): 
--- /etc/chrony.conf    2024-07-16 20:43:55.059444796 +0100
+++ /etc/chrony.conf.augnew     2024-07-16 20:43:55.450450186 +0100
@@ -48,3 +48,7 @@
 # Select which information is logged.
 #log measurements statistics tracking
+server ntp1.herts.ac.uk iburst
+server ntp2.herts.ac.uk iburst
+server ntp3.herts.ac.uk iburst
+server ntp4.herts.ac.uk iburst

Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Augeas[chronyconf]/returns: executed successfully
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[chronyd]: Triggered 'refresh' from 2 event

Ok so now lets switch to using the augeas resource in puppet to add a complex group of stanzas in sshd_config . This is the stanza:

# my puppet anchor
PubkeyAuthentication no
PasswordAuthentication no
PermitRootLogin no
AllowGroups grafana programmers root 
Match Group "programmers,grafana,root" Address ",,,"
  PubkeyAuthentication yes
  PasswordAuthentication yes

How does augeas describe the format of that file. Use augtool to find out:

augtool print /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config | tail 
/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/Match/Condition/Group = "programmers,grafana,root"
/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/Match/Condition/Address = "",,,"
/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/Match/Settings/PubkeyAuthentication = "yes"
/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/Match/Settings/PasswordAuthentication = "yes"

Using a puppet manifest file (mymanifest.pp) first lets add an anchor comment in the file we can use to group our settings together.

augeas { "mycomment":
  context => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
  changes => [
    "ins #comment after #comment[last()]",
    "set #comment[last()] 'my puppet anchor'",
  onlyif => "match #comment[. = 'my puppet anchor'] size == 0",
  notify => Service["sshd"],
service { "sshd":
  require => Augeas["mycomment"],
  enable  => true,
  ensure  => running,

We apply a manifest file like this:

puppet apply mymanifest.pp 
Notice: Compiled catalog for puppetmaster in environment production in 0.09 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Augeas[mycomment]/returns: executed successfully
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Service[sshd]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 event
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.75 seconds

Now I want to add three lines if they are not already in the file, below the anchor. Here is one of those:

# if there is no PermitRootLogin then insert it (else do nothing)
augeas { "permitrootlogin":
  context => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
  changes => [
    "ins PermitRootLogin after #comment[. = 'my puppet anchor']",
    "set PermitRootLogin no",
  onlyif => "match PermitRootLogin size == 0",
  notify => Service["sshd"],

Ok here’s the whole shabang as its quite involved, maybe you learn by examples like me:

augeas { "mycomment":
  context => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
  changes => [
    "ins #comment after #comment[last()]",
    "set #comment[last()] 'my puppet anchor'",
  onlyif => "match #comment[. = 'my puppet anchor'] size == 0",
  notify => Service["sshd"],

# if there is no PermitRootLogin then insert it (else do nothing)
augeas { "permitrootlogin":
  context => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
  changes => [
    "ins PermitRootLogin after #comment[. = 'my puppet anchor']",
    "set PermitRootLogin no",
  onlyif => "match PermitRootLogin size == 0",
  notify => Service["sshd"],

# if there is no PasswordAuthentiction then insert it
augeas { "passwordauthentication":
  context => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
  changes => [
    "ins PasswordAuthentication after #comment[. = 'my puppet anchor']",
    "set PasswordAuthentication no",
  onlyif => "match PasswordAuthentication size == 0",
  notify => Service["sshd"],

# if there is no PubkeyAuthentication then insert it
augeas { "pubkeyauthentication":
  context => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
  changes => [
    "ins PubkeyAuthentication after #comment[. = 'my puppet anchor']",
    "set PubkeyAuthentication no",
  onlyif => "match PubkeyAuthentication size == 0",
  notify => Service["sshd"],

# puppet maintain global  PermitRootLogin , PasswordAuthentication, PubkeyAuthentication to "no"                                                                                  
# puppet maintain AllowGroups
# puppet maintain Match Stanza 1
augeas { "sshd_config":
  context => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
  changes => [
    "set PermitRootLogin no",
    "set PasswordAuthentication no",
    "set PubkeyAuthentication no",
    "set AllowGroups/1 grafana",
    "set AllowGroups/2 programmers",
    "set AllowGroups/3 root",
    "set Match[1]/Condition/Group programmers,grafana,root",
    "set Match[1]/Condition/Address,,,",                                                                             
    "set Match[1]/Settings/PubkeyAuthentication yes",
    "set Match[1]/Settings/PasswordAuthentication yes",                                                                        
  notify => Service["sshd"],

service { "sshd":
  require => Augeas["sshd_config"],
  enable  => true,
  ensure  => running,

Hopefully there are enough breadcrumbs in that code to inspire or describe what is involved. It certainly seems like a lot of learning for such a simple result.