So it’s mid May 2021 and the town of Bolton has sharply rising numbers of infected people. As I came to graph this I noticed there is a Python SDK library (April 22 2021) called uk-covid19 . So using the examples Public Health England provide, the simplest program I can come using lovely pandas dataframe and plotly is:
from uk_covid19 import Cov19API
import plotly.express as px
bolton_area = [ "areaType=ltla", "areaName=Bolton" ]
cases_and_deaths = {
"date": "date",
"areaName": "areaName",
"newCasesByPublishDate": "newCasesByPublishDate",
"newDeaths28DaysByDeathDate": "newDeaths28DaysByDeathDate",
api = Cov19API(
df = api.get_dataframe()
fig = px.line(df, x = 'date', y = 'newCasesByPublishDate', title='Covid For Area of Interest', color='areaName',\
hover_name = 'areaName', )